Advent Meditation: Songs
Pause & Reflect with me on the song sung by the angels in Luke 2:14:
"Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth."
We hear seasonal songs playing on the radio, in shopping malls and in homes all over the world. How can these songs prepare our hearts for worship this Christmas season?
Good morning. This is Chaplain Kevin. Would you pause with me and reflect as we begin this morning…
Now that the holidays are upon us, we hear seasonal songs playing on the radio, in shopping malls and in homes all over the world. From carols to jingles, I wonder, what is it about songs that make the holidays so special?
Songs are used throughout scripture to lead God’s people into worship during specific times of God’s provision. After the Exodus, Moses and the Israelites sang a song to the Lord. When David defeated Goliath the people celebrated with tambourines and musical instruments. And at the announcement of an infant birth a host of angels burst into song singing: “Glory to God in the highest and on peace on earth.”
We are blessed this Christmas season to continue the tradition of singing songs of praise to God. As we sing this season, let us do so with expectant hearts trusting that God always provides.
Which song is your heart currently singing?
How will you thank God through song today?
Let’s pray: God, thank you for the gift of song. Supply us with the words to sing praise to you today. Give us expectant hearts as we await the fulfillment of your promise to provide. We pray these things in your Name. Amen.