Fruit of the Spirit Meditation: Patience
Pause & Reflect with me on the words of Galatians 5:
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."
The fourth fruit of the Spirit is patience. When in your life do you need patience? Listen now.
Good morning. This is Chaplain Kevin. Would you pause with me and reflect as we begin this morning…
In Galatians 5, Paul lists 9 attributes which he calls: the Fruit of the Spirit. The fourth attribute is Patience.
The moment you are admitted to the hospital you become a patient. However, the hospital experience can make you feel less patient and more impatient. In a world with “Buy-it-Now” buttons and content on “on-demand,” it’s no wonder we struggle to wait.
These days, patience is no longer just a virtue, it’s counter-cultural.
Scripture urges us to: “Be still and know that God is God.”
When we are still, we are able to relinquish our impatience and allow God to be in control.
Where in your life are you feeling impatient?
How will you relinquish control and practice patience today?
Let’s pray: God, at times we feel impatient. We hear your call to be still. Thank you for your patience with us. Turn our waiting into wanting for you to be in control. We pray these things in your Name. Amen.