Psalm 23 Meditation: Verse 1b
Pause & Reflect with me on the words of Psalm 23:
“The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not want."
What needs can you bring to the Good Shepherd today? Listen now.
Good morning. This is Chaplain Kevin. Would you pause with me and reflect as we begin this morning…
Shopping malls across America are filled with parents attempting to shop with their small children. The difficulty in this task is the parent’s attempt to teach their child the difference between the things we want and the things we need.
In Psalm 23 verse 1, the psalmist declares: “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”
The psalmist’s statement “I shall not want” is not a command, but rather a declaration of praise for the Shepherd who provides. When the Lord is our Shepherd he meets our needs and allows us to make our wants known to him. The Lord hears our wants and begins to align our wants according to His will. With so much hardship, injustice and uncertainty in the world today, let us make our wants and needs known to Him.
What needs will you bring to the Lord?
How will you allow His will to shape you today?
Let’s pray: Lord, you are the Good Shepherd. You meet our needs and hear our wants. Align our wants with your will today. That we might know your perfect will each day. We pray these things in your Name. Amen.