Psalm 23 Meditation: Verse 2a
Pause & Reflect with me on the words of Psalm 23:
“The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures."
In what ways is the Good Shepherd calling you to rest today? Listen now.
Good morning. This is Chaplain Kevin. Would you pause with me and reflect as we begin this morning…
Have you ever tried putting a child down for a nap? Sometimes, we have to make them lie down, even when they refuse, knowing it is best for them to rest.
In the same way, Psalm 23 verse 2 says: “[The Good Shepard] makes me lie down in green pastures.”
The psalmist describes the Lord as making his sheep lie down, knowing it will give them renewed energy and strength for the journey ahead. Also significant, is where the Shepherd has his sheep lie down. That is, in “green pastures.” The psalmist illustrates the Lord as a shepherd who not only leads his sheep to a place of rest, but also to places of nourishment. As we look ahead and see a long road in front of us for the second half of this year, let us seek out places of nourishment and rest.
In what way is the Lord calling you to rest?
How will you allow Him to nourish you today?
Let’s pray: Lord, you are the good Shepherd. You guide and lead us in this journey of life. Help us find places of rest. Lead us also to places of nourishment. We pray these things in your Name. Amen.